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Though bullying is something that we associate with the schoolyard, unfortunately it continues through college, and even into the workplace. Bullying is unwanted and unwelcome behaviour which is persistent and repeated, is offensive or threatening to the recipient, or which leaves the recipient isolated or vulnerable. Bullying can take many forms:

  • Verbal: personal insults, demeaning remarks, humiliation in front of others, nicknames, ridicule, persistent picking on a person ‘as a joke’, threats
  • Non-verbal or indirect: exclusion, hostile attitude, spreading malicious rumours
  • Abuse of power: excessive criticism, withholding essential information.
  • Physical: aggressive behaviour, physical intimidation, unwelcome physical contact up to and including assault.

The effect of bullying on an individual can be extremely destructive and have some serious consequences. If you are being bullied:

  • Get support: talk to someone you trust. Contact the Welfare Officer, the Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Rights Officer, your tutor, or the student counselling service.
  • Make it clear to the perpetrator that the behaviour is unwelcome and unacceptable and ask them to stop.
  • Keep a record of incidents that occur, witnesses, and effects on you.

Physical Violence

You don’t have to be married to be a battered woman and you don’t have to be married to seek help. Women’s Aid, which operates a number of refuges for women escaping physical, sexual or emotional abuse in the home have recently set up a telephone help line for anyone in this situation. They will be able to give you advice on the legal course of action available to you, such as how to get a Barring-Order, a Protection Order etc. They will also be able to give you information on the Battered Women’s Support Groups, Victims Support Groups and information on emergency accommodation.

Although there is often a waiting list and women with children are given a priority, Women’s Aid will do its utmost to ensure that you are given every assistance if you want to get out of an abusive situation.