There are three examination sessions in Trinity in the upcoming academic year. These are as follows:
- Reassessment Exams – 26 th of August to 30 th of August.
- Michaelmas (Winter) Exams – 09 th of December to 13 th of December.
- Hilary (Summer) Exams – 21 st of April to 24 th of April.
These are the main assessment sessions for the majority of students, there will be different timetables for a number of courses, particularly in Health Sciences. I recommend that you check with your individual School for your examination session. There are also Foundation Scholarship (Schol) exams on the week of the 6 th of January, these are elective exams for students in their Senior Fresh (2 nd ) year.
The Academic Registry is responsible for the running of all TCD examinations, and has provided key exam info here: www.tcd.ie/academicregistry/exams
Make sure to have a read of that if you are unsure of how to:-
- Access your exam timetable on your my.tcd.ie portal;
- Find your exam and seat number on your my.tcd.ie portal;
- Find past papers;
- Find your campus exam venue, etc.
If you have any questions related to the running of exams on the day, there will be an Academic Registry Help Desk on the main concourse of the Arts Block, or in the AR Building in the Watts/Hamilton building.
If your exam is online, your School/Department is the main point of contact. For general queries, you can contact the Academic Registry via:
- The AR Watts Building Service Desk is open for walk-ins from Mondays to Fridays: 9am - 5pm, and;
- Contactable via phone on (+353) 01 896 4500 from Mondays to Fridays: 9am - 5pm.
- To log an online enquiry, click here: ASK.TCD.IE
- Exam questions are directed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Some students may require space on campus to sit an online exam. This may be because they have an in-person exam and an online exam on the same day or they are experiencing connectivity or accommodation issues.
If you find yourself in this situation, a limited number of places is available on campus. Please complete the online form to request a space—if you are an undergraduate your tutor is required to support your request; if a postgraduate, you must have the support of your course director.
Please Note:
- Students will be assigned a shared room on campus to sit the exams, and you will be required to bring your own battery-powered device.
- Demand may be very high on certain days: Academic Registry will do their utmost to accommodate all requests, but spaces will be apportioned on a first-come first-serve basis.
General Tips
- Take note of your exam/seat number via your my.tcd.ie portal, a list of these will also be available at the venue;
- Place your Trinity student ID card on your exam desk for invigilators to check. If you lost your student card, any valid form of ID (passport/driving licence) is acceptable;
- Aim to arrive at least 30 minutes before your exam is due to begin to avoid stress.
Finding Campus Venues
If you aren't sure where your Campus Exam Venue is, find the list here.
- Scroll down to "Campus Exam Venues",
- Click on the drop-down menu,
- When you find the name of the venue, click on the location to see a pin of the venue on the TCD Campus Map.
RDS Simmonscourt
Visit the Venue
If you have an exam in RDS Simmonscourt and would like to visit the venue in advance of exam week, there will be an opportunity to do so on Wednesday, 26 April between 11am and 2pm. This provision has been put in place to allow all students to acclimatise to the space. There is no requirement to visit if you don’t want to and there’s no need to book in advance if you do.
Is there a cloakroom?
No - all students will be asked to bring their belongings to their exam desk and will be provided with a biodegradable bag in which they can securely store their belongings for the duration of their exam. Once the bag is sealed it can only be opened outside the exam venue.
Coffee Truck?
There will be a coffee truck serving hot drinks and light snacks in the carpark next to the RDS Simmonscourt venue.
How Do I Get to the RDS from Trinity?
- DART from Tara St or Pearse St to the Sandymount DART station — find the timetable here. This is the Bray/Greystones route. RDS Simmonscourt is about a 10 minute walk away.
- Dublin Bus 4 / 7 / 7a from Nassau Street to Stop 416 Merrion Road — find the timetables here. Get off at Stop 416 Merrion Road to enter RDS Simmonscourt via Simmonscourt Road. Do not enter via Shrewsbury Road. There will be plenty of signage for you to follow.
- Cycle/Walk! The RDS Simmonscourt venue is approximately a 15 minute cycle or a 45 minute walk away. There is bike parking available.
- Parking costs €7 a day at RDS Simmonscourt — you pay on arrival. It’s a huge carpark and there is usually lots of room.
Exams can be a really stressful time. Your well-being is the most important thing right now.
- If you get exam nerves, practice relaxation exercises — focus on your breathing or take a short break in the exam.
- A good night’s sleep is much better than a night spent cramming.
- When you are studying for the exam, remember the 20-20-20 rule of screens. Every 20 minutes, look at something that is 20 metres away for 20 seconds. This can help prevent eye strain and tension headaches.
- Spend time with your friends and family! Your classmates are doing the same exams, lean on each other for support.
- Give yourself recognition for your work, but also forgive yourself if things do not go according to plan. Exams are a huge undertaking, and you are only human!
- - Do not sit your exam if you are not medically fit to do so!
- Before the Exam:
- If you are medically unfit to sit your exam, please consult your doctor and request a medical certificate for the appropriate period. All medical certificates must be dated and include the date on which the illness started, the length of incapacitation, and a clear statement that you are unable to sit exams. This must be given to your tutor - preferably before the exam(s) in question, but up to 72 hours after.
- Remember that medical certificates are not accepted as an explanation or excuse for poor performance. You cannot claim mitigating circumstances having submitted a piece of work for assessment. As per College Regulations, students cannot retract work submitted.
- During the Exam:
- If you are feeling unwell during your examination, do not submit your work as it will be considered completed. Raise your hand and alert the invigilator. Do not leave your desk without the permission of the invigilator.
- Following this, contact the designated liaison person in your school, module leader and/or tutor aware of your illness and contact the Trinity Health Centre.
- If you are working on a take home 48 hour exam, remember to continually save and update your work.
Contact your tutor immediately. If your tutor is on leave, please contact the Senior Tutor’s office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Failing your exam is not the end of the world! Email your tutor or Eoghan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you are unsure of your next steps.
If your average mark was good and you only failed one or two papers with an F1 you may be able to ncompensate and go onto the next year as if you had passed. All modules and components within modules are compensable (except in certain professional programmes where compensation does not apply). The rules for compensation vary from school to school, so make sure to check.
Reassessment Examinations:
You may have to sit repeat exams (free of charge) at the end of summer if you fail and cannot pass by compensation.
If you feel that your result is unfair or that your marks were added up wrong you can apply to have them rechecked. You may also be entitled to appeal. This is usually reserved for extenuating circumstances, and you have to act quickly. For more info, email your tutor or Eoghan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Repeating a Year:
If you cannot appeal, then sometimes the only option is to repeat the year. You won’t qualify for the Free Fees Initiative if you have to repeat, except in special circumstances.
Off Books:
Off books doing exams/placements/assessments incurs a €382 exam fee. If students have failed modules at the end of the academic year, they can potentially apply to repeat Off Books with Assessment. This requires special permission, more information can be found here: https://www.tcd.ie/academicregistry/student-cases/
- Your Tutor: find their details on your my.tcd.ie under “My Records”;
- Student Counselling Service: www.tcd.ie/Student_Counselling;
- TCDSU Welfare & Equality Officer, Hamza Bana: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;
- TCDSU Education Officer, Eoghan Gilroy: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;
- Course Coordinator: Contact your course coordinator for urgent queries, if you cannot reach your college tutor, information on Heads of Department can be found on School websites.
- If you are unwell, do not sit your exam if you are not fit to do so.
- Contact your tutor straight away if you need any deferrals, extensions or support with your academic work due to illness, bereavement or other situations outside of your control (loss of internet connection etc.). You can find their details on your my.tcd.ie under “My Records”. If your tutor is not replying to you, contact the Senior Tutor's office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- If you defer an exam, it will deferred to the reassessment session in late August. There is no automatic right to deferral and this is determined on a case by case basis.
- If you are overwhelmed with your workload or otherwise unable to complete your assignment(s) in the designated time, please get in touch with your tutor.
- Liaise with your classmates, as many of you may be in the same position. Lecturers should, and have been, very understanding of the pressures everyone is facing right now and should be lenient in this regard.
If you are unwell, do not sit your exam if you are not fit to do so.
Contact your tutor straight away if you need any deferrals, extensions or support with your academic work due to illness, bereavement or other situations outside of your control (loss of internet connection etc). You can find their details on your my.tcd.ie under “My Records”. If your tutor is not replying to you, contact the Senior Tutor's office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
If you defer an exam from the Semester 2 session, it will deferred to the supplemental session in late August. There is no automatic right to deferral this session.
If you are overwhelmed with your workload or otherwise unable to complete your assignment(s) in the designated time, please get in touch with your module coordinator.
Liaise with your classmates, as many of you may be in the same position. Lecturers should, and have been, very understanding of the pressures everyone is facing right now and should be lenient in this regard.
Essay Mills
With exams & assignment deadlines looming, it’s easy to feel under pressure to use essay mills & other contract cheating services. Contract cheating is a term used to refer to the practice of companies that sell bespoke assignments, essays and theses which students may then submit for assessment, as their own work. These companies are often referred to as 'essay mills'.
Essay mills are illegal. Do not use essay mills. The consequences of doing so are severe and I cannot emphasise that enough.
Please watch this video from QQI for further information.
There are lots of ways Trinity can help. You’re not alone. Please talk to us in the SU, your lecturer or Student Learning and Development for assistance.