The Foundation Scholarship or ‘Schols’ are an optional set of exams which can only be taken by registered students in Hilary term of their Senior Fresh year, except in exceptional circumstances. Past scholars include Mary Robinson and Samuel Beckett!
Candidates will be required to sit three to four examination papers amounting to eight to nine hours of examinations. Scholarship is awarded solely on the basis of this examination performance– and no other factors are taken into account.
This year’s Schols examinations will take place from 9th-13th January (there may be some contingency dates on the week before and after)
Scholars enjoy benefits including Commins (dinner) free of charge every weekday and free accommodation for up to nine months of the year. Students who receive no outside scholarships or grants are also entitled to fee remission for up to five years, and to the value of EU student fees.
For info on the application process and deadlines, go to:
Many students will tell you that the chance to study abroad is one of their best memories in College — you get to experience another culture, language, and meet people from across the world.
Going abroad may affect your examination regulations and some courses base eligibility to go on Erasmus on previous years’ grades. Contact your school or department for more information!
Visit the International Office website at www.tcd.ie/study/study-abroad to explore your options.
Trinity Electives allow you to study something new — learn a language or address social issues like climate change and housing!
The elective will be a stand-alone 5 ECTS module outside of your core discipline. For details, visit www.tcd.ie/trinity-electives/
Extramural & Language Classes
Extramural courses, such as evening non-degree classes, allow students to take a language outside of their degree. These courses do not count toward academic credit. For more info, visit https://www.tcd.ie/courses/short-courses/