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About Us
TCDSU represents every student in Trinity College Dublin and since 1968, it has united our voices around issues of learning conditions, discrimination, classism and inequality.
Every Trinity student is automatically a member. If you'd like to get involved, run for a Class Rep position in September 2023 and keep an eye on your weekly email for details on upcoming campaigns or Trinity Ents events.
Welfare & Equality
It can be difficult to navigate the supports available to you in College, that's where the TCDSU Welfare & Equality Officer comes in! If you're struggling with an issue and you're not sure where to go, reach out to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. so that we can solve it together.
I also defend your interests on committees that make decisions about how Trinity College Dublin is run, e.g. the Student Life committee oversees the provision of student services like College Health.
The TCDSU Education Officer is here to help if you have any academic queries. If you don’t love your course and need assistance with a course transfer, are applying for extensions or deferrals, failed an exam or are having any difficulty with your course - reach out to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
I also organise the TCDSU Class Representative system. They're the glue that holds the entire SU together because every course has different issues, and it's easier to ask a familiar face for help!