Balanced eating is hugely important in college life. This means getting all the nutrients you need in the right amounts. Too much or too little can leave us feeling groggy, fatigued, and unhappy - not what you need to live an active student life!
The benefits of being active for your physical and mental health are huge and important for a healthy and happy lifestyle. Trinity has a wide range of sports clubs and sports classes on offer for students. Check out the Sports Centre for further information!
Room B119 in TBSI is a shared resource which is used for nursing mothers, phlebotomy and a sickbay. Keys can be signed out from attendants at reception.
Room 2032 in the Arts Building is a shared resource for college staff and students which is used as a respite room for nursing mothers. Access is via the disability service at 01 896 3111.
Room 1.12 in D’olier Street can be used if you call to check availability on 01 896 3891.
Tallaght Hospital:
Trinity Enterprise Centre call 01 896 3817 to arrange a private room.